But not on this site — and not kinden stories. I'm proud to announce some new writing that's turning up here and there in the next few months.

You may recall my story The Dissipation Club that was published in the collection "Dead but Dreaming 2" — I also submitted a story for a similar collection from Miskatonic River Press, "Horror for the Holidays", and it's currently looking as though that's been accepted. The story is "Season of Sacrifice and Resurrection" and is more canonically Lovecraftian, albeit without mentioning any Names. Fun stuff. "Horror for the Holidays" is currently down as "available soon".

I'm also having a story published in an Andy Remic-edited anthology under the title "Vivisepulture" — this will be available as an ebook, and the story is called Pipework, featuring an altogether nastier exploit of my supernatural detective Walther Cohen (star of The Dissipation Club and a few others that have yet to see the light of day.). Other authors in that collection include such august names as Neil Asher, Guy N. Smith, Ian Watson, Ian Whates, Gary McMahon and a number of other serious heavy-hitters from the fantasy/horror genre — including Andy himself. It's likely to be strong stuff.

Finally, and most peculiarly, I'm contributing to a collection of stories and articles that Storm Constantine is putting together on the theme of World of Warcraft, to be entitled "What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been: Wilderness Survival Tips from the World of Warcraft (1)". I'm contributing an article about hunters (and the insects that love them), and also a piece of fiction, The Indecipherables in partnership with Justina Robson in which we mercilessly have a go at a considerable amount of WoW lore and intellectual property.

Finally — a reminder — signing in Oxford Saturday 19th November Waterstones, 12–2, Signing at Thought Bubble, Leeds, 1–2pm Sunday 20th. In between, much scurrying from place to place. Finally Friday 16th December 12–2 is the Leeds Waterstones.

(1) And even though I play the damn game I can't write, read or hear that without thinking of the South Park episode.