Short Stuff Compilation

I put together a list of all the short fiction I've had in print, mostly so I could keep track of things myself. However, if anyone is feeling like a monomaniac completionist, look upon my works, as they say:   Year Published Publisher 2144 And All That 2013 Feast and Famine Newcon 21st Century Girl 2012 (online) Ancien Régime […]

Shiny and New — stuff coming this year

I am up to my eyeballs with stuff right at this moment, principally Tiger & Wolf book 3 (tentatively The Hawk and the Hyena? Does that work? I keep thinking "handsaw" Beats "The Owl and the Pussycat" which was the working title for a while) but however I take a break to bring you Tidings of Good Things. Or possibly […]

State of the Nation — 2015

It's been an eventful year. It' s only November, admittedly, so I guess it's been an eventful 9 months, but seriously I feel as though I've burned the midnight oil twice as brightly at both ends this year.(1) I have done a lot of conventions, for a start. This year and last year have been overly crazy in that regard. 2015 […]

Dublin, Nottingham, Lightspeed!

Firstly, holy hell yes does the structure of this site need updating. That is being looked at. Secondly, Bristolcon was a blast. I was on a really interesting, gritty panel on AIs that delivered (for me anyway) on an intellectual. I got to be the Prophet of Doom, which is a panel role I occasionally slip into when I feel we need […]

Planet of the Updates

Busy busy, so just a few quick things as proof of concept that I'm still updating the blog. Nine Worlds was ace. I've already booked for next year. I got to talk (and learn) about Doctor Who and books and stuff, and I had a very successful signing. I also got to give out the Morningstar Award at the Gemmels. Having […]

Running to keep up

OK so: a very hurried round-up of past crimes will have to suffice for this post: Fantasycon was great fun – I don’t know if it was the hotel (the Royal York) which was the fanciest of any con this year, and definitely superior to the place that the con was at for two consecutive years in […]

Pillars of Salt

Or, time for a brief glance backwards. It's been a mixedsort of year. A lot of people I know have had a rough time of it for various reasons — illness, personal problems and the vicissitudes of the writing game amongst them. The industry has lost a lot of people. It has been something of a subdued year all told. On the plus […]


Although the Elder Scrolls Online trailer has given me sufficient food for thought for a second stab at the MMO genre, I'm still weighing the wisdom of taking up arms against that particular sea of troubles. However, I did want to set out the various conventions and other shenanigans I'm down for this year, in case anyone […]


…for no post recently. It's in a good cause: I'm getting well and truly stuck in to the new series, and having enormous fun with it. New anthology news (1) is that I have a proper SF piece in Solaris Rising 2, a rather nice-looking anthology whose pages I share with such luminaries as Paul Cornell and Nick Harkaway, out in March. […]

Writing for a Good Cause

Just a very brief post to announce that a couple of Shadows of the Apt stories have found a wider audience. Firstly, I am in some shockingly good company in the anthology Triumph Over Tragedy, now available on Amazon. This contains my story Spoils of War, originally debuted on this site, and I am joined by the remarkable ensemble cast […]