Firstly, for those waiting for the regular paperback format of Heirs of the Blade, the arrival of a box of author copies informs me that this will be released soon (Amazon says 2nd February(1)). Anyone wanting to get the first signed copy can shanghai me (2) at SFX, as they should be about for that weekend.

Secondly… (dramatic chord) … I have started the second chapter of book 10 today! I was under the delusion that it was the first chapter when I wrote it, but have had second thoughts since. The last book in the series promises to be somewhat nerve-wracking to write. Y'know, no pressure…

I have had sight of a draft alt fiction schedule. I'm down for "untitled fantasy panel". Kind of hard to research that topic, but watch this space.

Lastly, an article in today's Metro (3) that provoked some bewilderment. "Dust off that novel, new app could make you a best seller." This is Apple's "Author" app, and my real beef with the article was the discrepancy between what the headline seemed to promise and the subsequent proud reportage, stated in such a way as to imply that this is the app's primary source of authorial gold dust: "It allows users to drag a word file into the programme, which automatically lays it out with the appropriate chapters and headings." I mean, thank God! Because where the chapter headings go is always the part of the writing process that really causes me difficulties.

Apparently it's all very multimedia, allowing easy inserts for videos (4) and things, and anything you make with it will only be marketable via Apple's own iBookstore/iTunes outlets, which promises controversy.

(1) Yes, I get my information on when my own books are being released from Amazon. This is the world we live in.

(2) On second thoughts I'm not entirely sure what that means. Just accost me instead.

(3) If you're wondering, it's a free newspaper randomly distributed about the UK's public transport network. It has Nemi in it.

(4) This seems to be an alarming attempt to up the ante, especially for epic fantasy. Am I supposed to be collaborating with Peter Jackson on my next one or something? (5)

(5) If you're reading this, Mr Jackson, seriously it would be an honour 🙂