Apropos of absolutely nothing, a post about how to jump the checkpoints of genre with such elegance that the border guards don’t even have time to get their guns out. Genre distinctions are one of those evergreen topics for convention panels, and the eventual consensus tends to be that no, they don’t mean anything, but yes, they […]
Wow, er… Eastercon was over a month ago, eh? Well, back in the land of the blogging, sorry for the gap. My main excuse is that I've been too busy writing to update here. Seriously, it has been quite crazy. I've had a buttload (1) of short story opportunities to follow up, some of which gave me rather […]
It's silly season again with writing commissions — too many anthologies I want to submit to, plus the new series, plus my Aethernet piece, hence the dearth of blog posts. Normal service to be resumed as soon as possible,
So EightConSquared, a.k.a. Eastercon 2013, is on the horizon, and I finally know what I'm doing at it, so for those who are coming (or thinking of it) the programme can be found by following the links here. For me, my contribution can be measured thusly: Friday 29th at 7–8pm is the fantasy Genre Get-Together which […]
Firstly, regarding the advent of the Great Aethernet Adventure, if you hop over to its site you can see fellow author Ian Whates getting a grilling. Also, the regular paperback sized Air War is out and to mark it, my usual blogging has been somewhat diverted to the Tor UK site. Therefore, there's a double dose of […]
Not the new series this time. Instead, I bring you: Aethernet, the return of serialised science fiction and fantasy. Serialised genre fiction has been pretty much confined to the fossil record for a while, but what with all the changes going on in publishing — and especially e‑publishing — it's something that's been talked about as a possible […]
Quick post to say that I'm now confirmed for Edge Lit at the Derby Quad on 13th July 2013 for those that fancy it. It's a very pleasant, quite varied, small-scale literary event, and there are usually a decent crop of writers there. Also, in the lead-up to the release of the paperback (or anyways smaller paperback) […]
Although the Elder Scrolls Online trailer has given me sufficient food for thought for a second stab at the MMO genre, I'm still weighing the wisdom of taking up arms against that particular sea of troubles. However, I did want to set out the various conventions and other shenanigans I'm down for this year, in case anyone […]
…for no post recently. It's in a good cause: I'm getting well and truly stuck in to the new series, and having enormous fun with it. New anthology news (1) is that I have a proper SF piece in Solaris Rising 2, a rather nice-looking anthology whose pages I share with such luminaries as Paul Cornell and Nick Harkaway, out in March. […]