Well it's been something of a long time between posts, but my excuse is that I've been writing, which is obviously the point of the thing. Specifically I've been hacking bits of book 7 into shape, so there. I meant to post before this, if only to extoll the virtues of Thought Bubble, the comics convention held recently […]
Well, as you can tell, I'm back from Poland, where the first ever foreign language edition of Empire in Black and Gold has been transliterated as Imperium Czerni i Zlota (1). I had a whirlwind ride around Poland, or at least Warsaw and Krakow, with just enough time free to see the sights (Warsaw Old Town in […]
For Salute the Dark being none other than book 4 of Shadows of the Apt by some hack or other, is now into pre-sales and you can see some details, as well as the frankly wonderful cover by Jon Sullivan here. My personal feeling is that this is the best cover yet, and Jon managed to […]
Apologies for the gap in posting, but life has been hectic all roung. New job, for example. Yes, day job, still. The whole writing shenanigan is not enough to settle the bills as of yet. (1) However, a new story detailing the murkier side of Collegium academia, because whilst the books are full of academics spying, […]
Another brief B‑road of the information superhighway: I will be signing at Garforth Independent Bookshop at 11.00am til noon, Saturday 29th August, if you've missed me at Leeds, Reading etcetera. As a final and somewhat further flung item on the tour (1) I will be in Poland from the 5th to the 8th November to catch up with the […]
A series of quick-fire notes on the eve of my setting off for London for Official Release Debauchery ™: I've put up a new short story. Actually I lie: this is the story that was published in Deathray a few months back, that they're happy for me to put up here now that sufficient time has passed. It's The […]
It's that time of year again (1). Blood of the Mantis, Shadows of the Apt book 3, is being let out of its cage on the 7th of August, and, cometh the book, cometh the signings. We're keeping with our track record (2) of adding an additional venue for each book, and some of the […]