After the Ball…

It hasn't actually taken me a week to get over Sci Fi London's convention atmosphere (1), but, here I am, and it appears to be May. That means a new story soon, but more of that later.   It was a cracking weekend. Both panels went tolerably well, and I made at least a valid pretense of saying something intelligent. My favourite […]

All Just a Big Con

So this weekend is Sci Fi London's grand convention, which is looking exceptionally interesting, even without yours truly actually having a couple of spots there. Apparently there are tickets and other business about the panels, so if you are interested, best to go to their site and sort something out. On the Monday afternoon, at around 4, […]

Conventional Weaponry

Adrian Tchaikovsky's Amazing Circus of Self-obsessed Rambling. Well now. From the 29th April to the 4th May Sci Fi London are holding their eighth great big SF convention. It promises to be one hell of an event, with all manner of games, films and discussions from every corner of the hobby. Frankly, look at the programme and […]

The Great Survivors

I probably won't be able to keep up this kinden per month business that much longer, not because I'll have run out of kinden (several million left to go) but because it's an artificial restriction on the content of stories. I'll still pop back for the odd showcase, and more art from David, however. This […]

Bee-kinden by David Mumford

There are small city-states of Bee-kinden in surprisingly many places. They are a quiet, industrious people who do their best not to trouble their neighbours. Bees work tirelessly for Spider overlords in the south, and cling to the inhospitable western coast. Most of all, however, Bee-kinden are slaves of the Empire. They are an Apt people, […]

Buzz Buzz

Possibly the oddest Shakespeare quote, out of context. Well, I did claim this to be Bee month, and it appears the Daily Mash agrees with me, with this article. The final paragraph about bees and wasps seems particularly appropriate. For the curious, this is a send up of a genuine news study, reported here. Viva insect superiority!

A Devonian Anomalocarid!

Because, every so often, I feel I should show that my geekery goes beyond RPGs or fantasy literature. There are plenty of links on this, within the somewhat clannish corridors of palaeontology, but I choose for reference this one. To declare, in tones of astonished wonder, "a Devonian anomalocarid!" is unlikely to prompt any great response, apart perhaps […]

Busy, busy

Somewhat disjointed owing to the fact that I'm knee deep in the Blood of the Mantis (or at least its edits) at the moment, but nonetheless. This month is nominally National Bee-kinden month, and I have some more art from the talented David Mumford here.  However, as a very special treat, the story this month is the […]