A quote is for life…

Well! Less than a month til the release of Dragonfly Falling (1). Another story soon, this time to do with the Moth-kinden, or sort of. Hopefully also a little reference piece on art and literature in the Lowlands. We'll see (3). However, I acquired some new reading material this Christmas, and I wanted to share a couple of quotes with you, […]

Season's Greetings

Some snips from the back-catalogue. All the best for Christmas, New Year and whatever else you have to everyone. 

John, Paul, George and Stenwold

It's the turn of the Beetle-kinden for December, as we begin the home run to February and the release of Dragonfly Falling. The Beetles are a mainstay of Empire in Black and Gold and its sequels: Stenwold and Cheerwell are two of the most important protagonists, Collegium perhaps the single most key place. Still, this is […]

It's Just a Step to the Right

Fascist Britain!   Bit of politics there, as Ben Elton used to say. No, we're not fascist Britain (1), not by a long way, but we've been close before, and we can go there again, and it's worth opening up a few classics of fantasy literature just to remind ourselves.   Recent politics brings this to mind: […]

And a couple more notes

Firstly, the music in my previous post about multimedia is now properly linked, so please go have a listen here. Secondly, and remarkably, Empire in Black and Gold made it into the Amazon "Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Books of 2008" here. I have no idea how this is compiled or what it's based on, but I feel […]

Further and Better Autotrumpetry

Firstly, a little further autotrumpetry (1). Scott Carter of The First Book has put up an interview here. This is a particularly nice site, as it focuses on the first works of new authors, as the site title suggests. Having spent so very long in becoming one, I'm all for encouraging the new. I should note that — […]