All sorts of news

So, something of a news update in brief, but: I have been asked to make a showing at Nerd East, the Larp fair at Durham on 9th June 2012. There may be some manner of speechifying. The speech may include recycled elements from my Picocon speech. See how green I am? I'm constantly trying to reduce my inspiration […]

Alt Fiction and further doings

Alt Fiction last weekend — and 2 cons on the trot is a bit wearing on body and soul, especially when I managed to clock a 20 hour day on the Saturday. The early start was the fault of the remarkable time it takes to get from Leeds to Leicester — longer than it does to hit London somehow. […]

A Talk with George — Eastercon 2012 part 3

So Saturday really was something of the sort of late night that I (poor tame creature that I am) haven't had since university. However something seriously off about the beds in the place ensured I was up bright and early for the fantasy politics panel (Jared Shurin of Pornokitsch moderating Hail Carriger, David Durham, Jude Roberts — […]

A Talk with George — Eastercon 2012 part 2

Blimey, but I make a meal of these writeups. Will try and hurry things along. Up bright and early to the sort of cooked breakfast that seemed mostly made by people to whom cooking isn't their first language, save for the mushrooms, which were so remarkably good that I can only assume there was one ancient Zen mushroom […]

A Talk with George (1) — Eastercon 2012 part 1

Eastercon 2012 had three win conditions, namely [1] put in a good showing at my own particular panels, [2] see at least some of the other panels [3] have a writer to writer (2) conversation with George R R Martin. Arrived lunchish Friday in the company of Justina Robson, fellow Leeds-based writer, and was treated to sumptuous lunch […]

Eastercon Schedule

Damn me, but there is a lot of good stuff at Eastercon, enough that I would need about three of me working in shifts to see all the panels, talks, readings etc. that caught my eye. (Link to schedule here.) My own appearances at the con are: Friday 6th — 5pm — room 12 — I'll be at […]

News update

or suddenly realizing it's been a while since the last post. There is a schedule up now for Alt Fiction, which has some good-looking stuff in it. It's an event I've much enjoyed in past years, and looking good this year too. Somewhat late with this one, but I have a blog post up at the Tor blog here where I basically […]

Picocon & back

Picocon is a really nice little convention, for anyone looking for places to be next year. Imperial College put on a very good show — guest talks, panel discussion, destruction of dodgy merchandise with Science, and at no time whatsoever was there combat to the death with fish. Justina Robson and Tricia Sullivan gave a pair of very thought-provoking […]

Future visions

… grand title for glorified news post. Quick event update: this weekend I’m guest of honour at Picocon alongside serious SF authors Justina Robson and Tricia Sullivan, and am going to have to make some sort of speech. I have no fricking idea what I’m going to say, a state of affairs that may persist until I stand up […]

SFX 2012 Reportage part 3

OK so: the good people from were good enough to collar me for an interview, focusing on the challenges offered by short stories, which interview will presumably be up on their site some time soon, and on the Saturday evening there was a Gollancz (/Orbit?) party that was crammed full (literally) of Names (not literally), […]