Firstly, regarding the advent of the Great Aethernet Adventure, if you hop over to its site you can see fellow author Ian Whates getting a grilling.

Also, the regular paperback sized Air War is out and to mark it, my usual blogging has been somewhat diverted to the Tor UK site. Therefore, there's a double dose of bloggery goodness, and I invite you to:

Epic Steam — Shadows of the Apt and Steampunk.

The Politics of Insects — fantasy, conservatism, feudal systems and a little David Brin thrown in for good measure.

I am currently working through the final proofs of War Master's Gate, always the most gruelling part of the business. Necessary, though, as I suspect Seda wouldn't appreciate being described as the "Emopress". Speaking of War Master's Gate, Alan Brooks' superb cover has at least been unveiled, at last giving Stenwold his place in the sun (or, in this case, fireball).

I have it in mind to do a sciency post next, but that's going to take some time to work up to, given current commitments. But serious bloggation is likely to be perpetrated soon.

And finally: my next engagement, Eastercon in Bradford. If you're there, please don't hesitate to grab me for a chat, to sign books, buy me drinks, whatever.