Planet of the Updates
Busy busy, so just a few quick things as proof of concept that I'm still updating the blog.
- Nine Worlds was ace. I've already booked for next year. I got to talk (and learn) about Doctor Who and books and stuff, and I had a very successful signing. I also got to give out the Morningstar Award at the Gemmels. Having misread the email I didn't realise until the morning of the ceremony that I'd have to do a speech, so had to hastily write one effectively on the back of a train ticket. But it turned out ok.
- And I did a 9W blog already didn't I, so probably didn't need to say that. More haste, less speed.
- I will be at Bristolcon on the 26th September at, um, Bristol. I have a panel talking about more human than human which I shall manfully try to make about spiders.
- I am also at Octocon in Dublin, 9–11 October, and then at Fantasycon in Nottingham 23–15 October, and that, I think, is it for cons for this year.
- I have, about 10 days ago, finished the first draft of The Bear and the Serpent, sequel to The Tiger and the Wolf. I am fast running out of dramatic animals. Stay tuned for The Weasel and the Lemur.
- I have, today, finished off my novella for Abaddon's super-exciting project Monstrous Little Voices. This is a collection of 5 short linked pieces set in Shakespeare's 'world', and I am joined by Emma Newman, Kate Heartfield, Foz Meadows and Jonathan Barnes, overseen by the redoubtable(1) Dave Moore, who previously conjured me up for 221 Baker Streets and Journal of the Plague Year. My contribution to this new project goes under the title, 'Even in the Cannon's Mouth' and sees a hard-bitten band of combat veterans drawn from the comedies wash up on the shores of hostile Illyria.
- Other projects are also underway, including some super secret short story stuff, but nothing firm enough to be nailed to the blog just yet.
(1) I, for one, have doubted him repeatedy.