First of all, and not particularly Teuronically, you should most definitely go out and get hold of this month's Deathray as they are premiering one of my short stories, The Sun of the Morning.

Secondly, however, get a look at this:  These are the covers of the German translation of Empire in Black and Gold.


Covers, plural, because I'm told when you translate from English to German things tend to get a great deal longer, and whilst the book wasn't the sort of fantasy blockbuster that you could literally attach to the end of one of those demoliher JCB things and actually bust blocks with, you could still have stunned a mid-sized leopard with it if your aim was good. So, come December I go global, apparently.

I am fond of the covers. Using insect oatterns for the armour is a very nice idea. A combination of my rather rusty German and Google's occasionally hilarious translator engine informs me that the series is the Swarm Warriors, and that the volumes are entitled, firstly — The Invasion of Fire, which is an odd enough thing to call the first half of Empire, and secondly, The Armoured Spy, which frankly is such a good title I'm kicking myself for not having thought of it myself. 

For any international readers tuning in, we're also due the Polish language editions from Rebis this year (I believe), and the Bulgarian and Czech language rights have been snapped up, publication date uncertain.