Carta Mundi, and a little extra news
Firstly, I am very happy to present a complete (to date) set of maps for the world of the Insect-kinden here — and when I say complete, I include a map of the Commonweal, as a sneak preview from Heirs of the Blade.
For the news, very briefly:
Rebis, one of my all-time favourite publishers, have picked up the rights to the Polish translation of Heirs of the Blade.
And the Barnes and Noble "First in Fantasy" article on Empire in Black and Gold can be found here and very nice it is too.
And I've just written my first stab at the back cover blurb for The Air War despite the fact that nobody at Tor has actually read it, so I could have written anything, you hear me? Anything! It could be complete cobblers, and they'll never know! Muahahahaha. Etcetera. Anyway, I'm told that's for flogging the series around the Frankfurt Book Fair, so crossed fingers for some more translation news soon.
And last, Fantasycon, at the end of this month. I will be:
8pm Friday — signing books along with a large number of other authors.
10am Saturday — Panel — Trends in Fantasy Fiction, Russell Room (1)
2pm Saturday — Reading slot, Room 134 Royal Albion Hotel. Not sure what I'll read, and (assuming I have an actual audience) will probably give people the choice of a short story or a section from the Air War or, conceivably, both if time allows.
(1) I assume it's in a location called the Russell Room. Alternatively, Russell Room will be chairing the panel.
That is a nice write up. Not sure about the science being presented as not bad or evil. Or maybe she hasn't gotten to the snapbows and Drephos' creations yet…
Am liking the maps! How has this series not been turned into a RPG yet?!!