News and new covers.

It's that time of year, or one of those times of year, when there's basically too much to blog about (1) First of all, Signings and Events for the near and moderate future now include: This weekend (30th September-1st October) Fantasycon, Royal Albion Hotel, Brighton. Complete programme here and rather like Alt Fiction earlier on, […]

Terrible Lizards

Last week, the BBC debuted a somewhat delayed sequel to Walking With Dinosaurs, Planet Dinosaur (1), and lo! Thumbs up! (3). Dinosaurs were always a big thing for me — starting at the age that kids normally start liking dinosaurs and never really going away. There was probably a crisis point somewhere along the way which might have […]

Carta Mundi, and a little extra news

Firstly, I am very happy to present a complete (to date) set of maps for the world of the Insect-kinden here — and when I say complete, I include a map of the Commonweal, as a sneak preview from Heirs of the Blade. For the news, very briefly: Rebis, one of my all-time favourite publishers, have picked up the rights to the […]

And some late news: Barnes & Noble pick of the month

Yes, yes, own trumpet, but even so this is rather nice. Barnes and Noble have set out their picks for September, each of which will get a going over on their site over the next few days. 9th September is Empire in Black and Gold. Some impressive company I'm keeping, too: Martin, Erikson, Sanderson, Abercrombie, Rothfuss […]

News roundup: Fantasycon, New cover art and cheap kindling.

Latest news from the world of the insect-kinden: Firstly, I will be at Fantasycon 2011 this year (1) and I've been asked to sit on a panel on Trends in Fantasy Fiction, 10am Saturday. I will hopefully be essaying a reading too, as the five people who came to the last one at Alt Fiction seemed to enjoy it […]

Conan 2, Hyperborean boogaloo

… anyway … Hmm, Ok, so I wasn't unqualifiedly in love with the movie, but Bob "Movie Bob" Chipman, whose opinions I normally chime with, says here: "Nobody really seems to give a damn about Conan the Barbarian" which would be a terrible thing to be true. It would be the death of a lot of potential fantasy films in […]

Prepare for Hyper(borean)speed

In which I continue watching films as a pretext for making awful puns in the title. And yes, spoilers, spoilers, spoilers for the new Conan film. I have been heard to say that before Peter Jackson made Fellowship (1) there wasn't a fantasy film out there that you could cite as a good film without then going on to say […]

Movieing Mountains

Yuk. Puns. Ah well. Anyway, cutting the day job down to four days a week has meant that this thing called the cinema (1) has re-entered my life. Experiment has taught that I can actually go into Leeds, get a big ol' slab of writing down in the coffee shop of my choice, and also take in a movie. As […]

I, Beholder

I've been meaning to pen a thing about online RPGs, to go with my long-ago posts on paper and live ones. There's a ton of this sort of stuff about, of course — Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, Baldur's Gate. However, first off: Eye of the Beholder Possibly nobody else even remembers this. It was a TSR Forgotten Realms thing […]