Pushing Boundaries

Apropos of absolutely nothing, a post about how to jump the checkpoints of genre with such elegance that the border guards don’t even have time to get their guns out. Genre distinctions are one of those evergreen topics for convention panels, and the eventual consensus tends to be that no, they don’t mean anything, but yes, they […]

The Prince

Wow, er… Eastercon was over a month ago, eh? Well, back in the land of the blogging, sorry for the gap. My main excuse is that I've been too busy writing to update here. Seriously, it has been quite crazy. I've had a buttload (1) of short story opportunities to follow up, some of which gave me rather […]

Mind the Gap

It's silly season again with writing commissions — too many anthologies I want to submit to, plus the new series, plus my Aethernet piece, hence the dearth of blog posts. Normal service to be resumed as soon as possible,

Seventeen flavours of news

Firstly, regarding the advent of the Great Aethernet Adventure, if you hop over to its site you can see fellow author Ian Whates getting a grilling. Also, the regular paperback sized Air War is out and to mark it, my usual blogging has been somewhat diverted to the Tor UK site. Therefore, there's a double dose of […]


…for no post recently. It's in a good cause: I'm getting well and truly stuck in to the new series, and having enormous fun with it. New anthology news (1) is that I have a proper SF piece in Solaris Rising 2, a rather nice-looking anthology whose pages I share with such luminaries as Paul Cornell and Nick Harkaway, out in March. […]

Heterotrumpetry, part 2

…does not sound any better than the original. Anyway: Five Things that  they haven't filmed yet, but should Not necessarily Things from this year, admittedly, and my heart has been gladdened by news that Lauren Beukes' Zoo City is actually getting attention in this way, as is Clarke's Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (and supposedly the rights […]

Blowing Someone Else's Trumpet — part 1

Actually that sounds entirely wrong now I think about it. Anyway, it's that season when we look back on the year with a sense of vague unease and disappointment and then Tezcatlipoca buries us under a mound of flaming jaguars (1). So: enough of me, but I thought it was would be worth looking at some other books that have […]

The evolution of a cover

After the last post, Alan Brooks has pointed me at some of the stages and deviations the Sea Watch cover went through. I'm hoping Alan will perhaps do a guest post on the various stages of the business, as there's a lot I never really guessed at — as a reader you just see the final cover without any […]

New Covers!

Firstly, I am proud to present the reissued covers for Scarab Path and Sea Watch courtesy of Alan Brooks: I'm particularly proud, in a bizarre kind of way, of the Sea Watch one, not because it looks vaguely like me, although that was a weird coincidence, but because I kid myself that I can see there some trace the piece […]

Next Big Thing

I appear to have got involved with some sort of devious meme called the Next Big Thing, and have been tagged by the redoubtable Tom Lloyd in his post here. So conjured, I can but obey. And, because I am always on the look out for opportunities to give away snackies, my Next Big Thing what I wrote […]