Rough Signing Schedule for February

This is about as rough as things get, and may be only inside my own head, but: 1st weekend of February, 4–6th, is the SFX Weekender, so I'll be there doing stuff, and probably also signing. 2nd weekend, 12–13th should see me in Reading or Oxford or both, or something like that, probably on the Saturday, […]

A Very Merry Mythmas to all our Readers

Not in any way festive, and thereby able to offend all denominations at once, my compliments of the season are to be found here with apologies to all concerned. Be warned, it's somewhat of a large pdf.


Just behold, that's all. Courtesy of the very talented Mr Sullivan.

Yahtzee tells it like it is.

Recommended reading today is a column from the Escapist where Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw, best known for his acerbic game reviews in Zero Punctuation, has some interesting things to say about drama and action sequences. I agree wholeheartedly with his take — far more so for films than for games, but then I run into the issue in […]

I have a new hero!

John Vandenbrooks of Arizona U, you are the hyperoxygenated wind beneath my enormous wings. As you all know, way back in the Carboniferous the dragonflies, and various other insects, were enormous, as the fossil record records. The assumption has been for a long time that the atmosphere back then was more highly oxygenated, and therefore that […]

Dates for the Diary

I appear to have Stuff On already for the next few months, and so: 1. I will be asking pertinent questions of Iain M Banks at the Morley Literature Festival on the 15th October (next week). All a bit short notice and the actual event was fully booked out before I was even signed up, and given Mr B's portfolio, […]

Other Worlds, November 6th, Derby

I't s been a while since I last posted, and this is because the final proofs for Sea Watch have turned up, and this last stage of the publication process that I get involved in is intensive, time-consuming and conducted to a strict deadline. The draft I had of book 7 is also back in the shop, propped up on bricks while I take […]

New Art! Tynisa by Tula Lotay

I am also delighted to give you: Tynisa Enjoy!

New Art! Cheerwell Maker by Kekejefferis

It's been a while, but we have some new art. As posted elsewhere, Kekejefferis has painted Cheerwell Maker on Deviantart here.